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The museums of Florence

Unforgettable experiences in Florence

Inside the museums of Florence you can travel with your imagination, be enchanted by the beauty evoked by ancient brushstrokes, sculptures that shape the material giving life to shapes and ideas: unique experiences thanks to timeless masterpieces preserved in some of the most beautiful museums and important in the world.

The Uffizi Gallery, the symbolic museum of the city, hosts artistic icons of absolute importance such as the Birth of Venus and Spring by Botticelli, the majestic works of Caravaggio, Giotto and Leonardo da Vinci.
A treasure chest that contains Art in its purest form, interpreted by the greatest Italian masters who have made our country the capital of world excellence.
From Tuesday to Sunday, 8.15am – 6.50pm. Closed on Monday


The Accademia Gallery contains, among the many pictorial and sculptural testimonies, the grandest and most famous marble statue of all: Michelangelo’s David.
A must visit for anyone who loves beauty.
From Tuesday to Sunday, 8.15am – 6.50pm. Closed on Monday


Palazzo Pitti hosts many interesting collections including the Palatine Gallery, the Royal Apartments and the Museum of Russian Icons, a unique location next to the beautiful Boboli Gardens, perfect for a walk among nature and refined works of art.
From Tuesday to Sunday, 8.15am – 6.50pm. Closed on Monday


The Boboli Gardens are open every day except the first and last Monday of the month
November-December-January and February 8.15am – 4.30pm
March and October 8.15am – 5.30pm
April-May-September 8.15am – 6.30pm
June-July-August 8.15am – 7.30pm


The museums of Florence offer many possibilities and allow you to have engaging experiences, we remember the complexes of San Marco and Santa Croce, the Medici Chapels or the Bargello: Hotel Centrale will be able to advise you on the best itineraries to discover all the fascinating faces of the artistic and cultural heritage of the city.


For information and reservations, contact the reception or write to our e-mail address info@hotelcentralefirenze.it

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